10 Things To Know Before Going To Spain

Going to Spain for a vacation comes with a lot of experiences that would last a lifetime. From the vibrant culture to the exquisite cuisine, and diverse landscape, Spain promises to give you.

However, in order for you to get the best from this beautiful country, you need, to a large extent, insider knowledge. Basic information from experts who’ve been there, and understand how vacation in Spain works.

This is why we’ve curated a list of 10 things you should know, as a traveler, before embarking on a journey to Spain. Unlocking Spain’s cultural and historical richness begins with these insights we’ll be sharing shortly in this article.


So, pack your bags with a dash of cultural curiosity, and get ready to explore the fascinating hints Spain has to offer.

Take Note of the Siesta Tradition

Before going to Spain, understand that there’s a tradition highly observed where during the early In the afternoon, many businesses, especially in smaller towns, close their doors for a few hours. This allows locals and visitors alike to rest and recharge.

It is one of the most cherished Spanish traditions.

Although this tradition is less effective in major cities, probably due to civilization, it is still important that you adapt your schedule to accommodate this cultural hint.

Guess by now, you’ve noted this down…



Get Some Cash Handy

It is quite true that credit and debit cards are widely accepted in most major cities. But that may not be the case in rural areas. If your expedition involves traveling to smaller towns, local markets, or establishments run by families, you may want to get some cash handy.

Not just that... public transportation, street vendors, and certain services would require you to pay in cash.


A quick tip: Go along with a mix of euros to cover various expenses and have the liberty to pay for goods and services where cards are not accepted.

Get Acquainted With the Language

We both know that language is a major tool for communication, but also, a means of identifying with the culture. You are not mandated to learn the language before going to Spain…no, that’s not the point!

The point is to learn a few sentences that would show identification with the people. Understanding basic Spanish phrases can enhance your travel experience. People often appreciate your effort when you identify with their local dialect.

Another thing to bear in mind is that the official languages in Spain are Spanish or Castilian. You might want to do your learning around these.



Take Note of the Cultural Diversity

Spain is a culturally diverse country, with different cultures scattered across different regions. One of the things to note as a traveler regarding Spain’s cultural diversity is the fact that each region showcases a unique identity. This means you’ll go in with an open mind to embrace whatever culture you see.

It is true that sometimes, culture shock may set in…but that’s normal. It’s part of visiting a new culture, after all.


Bear in mind that the coexistence of these regional differences spices up your Spanish adventure while offering you a multifaceted experience.

Practice Cultural Respect

Cultural respect in Spain extends to a wide range of areas of Spanish life. This includes greetings, respect for local customs, respect for religious customs, understanding the cultural context and adapting to them the right way, and lots more.

For instance, greetings in Spain often involve a kiss on both cheeks and addressing people with polite titles such as “senora”, that is “senior”.

Now, this is where getting yourself acquainted with the language comes in handy. Use some of the common phrases you’ve learned so far and have a brief greeting session with the locals.

That way, you show some level of respect and identification with their culture. Try it; you’ll love it!



Learn About the Tapas Culture

The Tapas is an essential aspect of the Spanish culture where locals get to order bite-sized dishes and create a shared feast among friends and family. These cultural dishes are more than just a meal; they are communal celebrations.

During the Tapas, friends, and families get to enjoy conversations in a relaxed and unhurried atmosphere. You can leverage this opportunity to meet new friends, and business associates that would develop into a profitable relationship.

Give yourself the opportunity to embark on a cultural journey through Spain’s mouthwatering dishes.



Get Ready To Experience Late Dining

Remember, we talked about culture shock earlier, right? For the record, culture shock is that unplanned surprise you feel when entering a new culture that’s different from yours. You get to see or experience things that leave you jaw-dropping.

Now, you need to prepare yourself to adjust your dining schedule when in Spain. The thing is, late-night dinners are commonly practiced here. You’ll get to find out that Spaniards commence their evening meals around 8 or 9 PM. No wonder, you’ll find restaurants busy well into the night.


Most people see late dining beyond having a meal. They are often considered a social affair that allows you to immerse yourself in the delight of the Spanish dining tradition.

Understand How the Spanish Weather Works

Having a hinge sight into the weather dynamics of Spain is crucial for your vacation. This will help you understand when and when not to visit Spain for the tour. The truth is that Spain’s weather is as diverse as its culture. You have a range of climates that can massively impact your travel experience.

When planning your trip, it is important to consider the seasonal variations and pack accordingly. You don’t want to visit during summer when in the actual sense, your trip requires winter. Well, that’s just an example…but you get the point!

So, understand how the Spanish weather works as you plan ahead of time.


Consider the Transportation Efficiency

When it comes to an efficient transportation system, Spain is one of the leading countries. They’ve got a well-connected transport network that simplifies moves at a great convenience.

From the availability of high-speed trains to car rentals, and many more. As a traveler, you’ll get to enjoy smooth transitions between regions and experience the diverse beauty of the country.

So what’s the tip here? It’s simple. Plan your trip with various transportation options in mind. That way, you will discover that getting around Spain is an adventure.


Prepare Yourself for a Fleet of Festivals and Events

It will interest you to know that Spain’s calendar is interrupted with several amazing festivals and events awaiting you. This gives both visitors and locals alike the opportunity to engage in cultural celebrations throughout the year.

Some of the festivals and events include La Tomatina, Semana Santa, and lots more.

We recommend that you check local calendars before embarking on your trip. That way, your trip gets to concede with these cultural celebrations. You get to connect with the heart and soul of Spain through these festivals and events.




We have seen that going to Spain for a vacation comes with a lot of experiences that would last a lifetime. From the vibrant culture to the exquisite cuisine, and diverse landscape, Spain promises to give you.

This is why in this article; we’ve provided you with a list of 10 things you need to know before going to Spain.

If you have some questions you think were not covered in this article, kindly reach out to us, and let’s talk.